Friday Coffee Chat Index

Friday Coffee Chat Index


  1. Are you a book snob?
  2. Do you judge a book by its cover?
  3. Would you ever boycott an author or a book?
  4. Are you "Pottered Out"?
  5. Books that Rocked Your World
  6. Are you a book abuser?
  7. Special Edition at Girls Gone Reading: Books That Saved Your Life
  8. Are you a bibliomaniac?
  9. Are you a Peter Pan (a.k.a addicted to YA)?
  10. Are some books a waste of paper?
  11. When a series drags on for far too long...
  12. Weird Reading Habits
  13. Have you been book bullied?
  14. What's important to you? The story or the characters?
  15. Are big name reviews important to you?
  16. Are you an imaginative reader?
  17. Better than the book!
  18. Book Burnout--What else do you like to do?

  1. Notable Quotables - Books That Have Moved You
  2. Why so serious?
  3. To Book Club, or Not to Book Club?
  4. Big Box Blunders
  5. To Blog, or Not to Blog?

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