Friday Coffee Chat (7) - Special Edition

~Special Edition~ 
Girls Gone Reading Back In Action

Today is a special edition of Friday Coffee Chat. Less than two weeks ago, Jennifer from Girls Gone Reading sent me an e-mail saying that she had to take a break from blogging and our weekly Friday Coffee Chat to care for her husband who had just had a moderate heart attack. I completely understood (family ALWAYS comes first) and told her to take care of both her husband and herself--we would all be waiting for her when she got back to blogging. Earlier this week, Jennifer told me that her husband was doing much better and that she was thinking of doing a Friday Coffee Chat post about books that saved her life. I thought that was a fantastic idea given what she has gone through the past few weeks so I thought I'd let her have this week's Friday Coffee Chat post to share these books that have been such an inspiration in her life and have her ask the weekly question to all us readers. I'm so glad that her husband is ok and that she has been able to come back to blogging so soon!

Please stop by her blog and let her know what books saved you and made you feel like you weren't alone in the world.

Click HERE to read Jennifer's Friday Coffee Chat post

Update: This post inspired Rikki from The Bookkeeper to do a post on the books that saved and helped her through life's challenges. Click HERE to read her post.

Very inspiring ladies! Thanks for sharing these books with everyone!


Jennifer-Girls Gone Reading said...

Thanks for letting me have the special edition...I also need to check out the Pern series. I have never read it, but I did read as a child to escape. I read fluffy books like babysitter's club and then mixed in some Emerson essays. I know. Weird!

Wallace said...

WIll go check out Jennifer's post now. :)

Carin said...

@Jennifer - It was an amazing post! I loved it. I am so glad you are able to get back to blogging despite the craziness! Not weird to read kiddie books! You have a kid, plus the Babysitter's Club was really popular when we were kids (am I older than you? I think we are probably around the same age).

@Wallace - Yay! I'll check out your response over on Jennifer's blog! :)

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