Hyperion - The Poet's Tale and The Scholar's Tale

I knew that The Poet's Tale would challenge me. The poet, Martin Silenus is a brash and foul-mouthed man who is a renowned poet. His tale was somewhat difficult to read because I really didn't like him that much, but in the end I see his purpose as a pilgrim in the book.

The Scholar's Tale was incredible. It was probably the most thoughtful of the four tales I've read so far. Sol Weintraub is a professor who's pilgrimmage (like the other pilgrims) is deeply personal. To me, it has been the most emotional of the tales thus far.

I like that the tales are all so distinct from one another. I think Dan Simmons is definitely a gifted writer.

I purposely don't write too much about the book in case anyone who reads this ever decides to pick up the book and give it a go. I don't want to give away too many details and ruin the story for anyone. I will say that of the few science fiction books I've read, this is probably the best one. I am thankful that I asked a man in Barnes and Noble what authors he liked because this was his suggestion. The book has been unbelievably good so far and really thoughtful as well.


Anonymous said...

That sounds really interesting. I love book clubs. We had one this last spring where we read the autobiography of Nelson Mandela. Very interesting though very huge, but it was good to think about apartheid and how it affected South Africa. I'd like to read Ghandi next ...

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